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Contact Lens Exams

Learn more about Contact Lens DOs and DON’Ts

Tips for contact lenses:

1.  ALWAYS wash your hands before handling contact lenses.
2.  Store lenses in the proper lens storage cases and replace the case at a minimum of every 3 months.
3.  Clean the case with a sterile contact lens solution after each use, and keep it open and dry between cleanings.
4.  Use products only recommended by your eye doctor to clean and disinfect your lenses. Saline solution and rewetting drops are NOT designed to disinfect lenses.
5.  Only fresh solution should be used to clean and store contact lenses. NEVER re-use old solution.
6.  ALWAYS follow the recommended contact lens replacement schedule prescribed by your eye doctor.
7.  Remove contact lenses before swimming or entering a hot tub.
8.  See your eye doctor for your regularly scheduled contact lens and eye examinations.


1.  Wash and dry your hands thoroughly.
2.  If you are able, close the nearby drain in the sink to prevent the lens from falling down the drain.
3.  Remove one lens and clean it with the recommended solution. 4.
Cleaning removes eye-produced buildup, cosmetics and other debris that impairs lens comfort.
4.  To clean contacts with a multipurpose solution, place the lens in the palm of your hand, apply a generous amount of solution and gently rub the lens against your palm with your pointer finger, using a back-and-forth (not circular) motion.
5.  Place the right lens on the top of your index finger of your dominant hand. Make sure the lens is not inside out.
6.  Using the middle finger of your other hand, pull and hold your right eye upper lid open so you cannot blink.
7.  Pull down your lower eyelid with the middle finger of the inserting hand.
8.  Look up and place the lens gently on the lower white part of your eye.
9.  Look down to position the lens correctly while still holding your upper eyelid with your hand.
10.  Slowly release your eyelid and gently close your eye for a moment.
11.  Blink several times to center the lens on your eye.
12.  Repeat with the left lens with opposite hand positions.


1.  Wash and dry your hands thoroughly.
2.  If you are able, close the nearby drain in the sink to prevent the lens from falling down the drain.
3.  Make sure the lens is centered on the eye.
4.  Looking up with both eyes, pull down your lower eyelid with the middle finger of your inserting hand.
5.  If the lens seems “tight” or hard to move on the eye, the use of rewetting drops may be helpful in freeing the lens from the cornea for removal.
6.  Use your index finger to slide the lens down to the lower white part of your eye.
7.  Gently squeeze the lens between your thumb and index finger and remove it from your eye.
8.  Repeat with the other eye with opposite hand positions.
9.  Follow the lens care procedures recommended by your eye care professional.


Can contact lenses be stored in water or saliva?
NO. You should NEVER store your contact in water or saliva. Tap water can contain bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause serious eye infections that can cause permanent eye damage and vision loss, even blindness.

Are contact lens and eyeglass prescriptions the same?
NO. Contact lens prescriptions and eyeglass prescriptions are not the same. They are significantly different because eyeglass lenses are positioned approximately 12 millimeters from your eyes, whereas contact lenses rest directly on the surface of your eyes.

Can I sleep in my contact lenses?
Removing contact lenses overnight is the SAFEST practice, even though some contact lenses are FDA approved to sleep in. Studies have shown a 10-15% increase in the rate of infections in people who sleep in lenses versus people who remove their lenses at night.

However, there are some lenses that are much safer to sleep in than others. Sleeping in contact lenses is referred to as “extended wear”, and some have been approved by the FDA for extended wear. These lenses tend to be very breathable and have very high levels of oxygen that is transmitted through the lens to the cornea.

What should I do if I fall asleep in my contact lenses?
If you do happen to fall asleep in contact lenses that are not extended wear lenses, be sure to REMOVE the lenses as soon as possible in the morning and give your eyes a day to rest without lenses in.

If the lenses are still fresh, they should be safe to use again after soaking in solution overnight. If the lenses are older than they should be, be sure to throw then out and start with a fresh lens.

If your eye is a little irritated or dry, use artificial tears or lubricating drops. If you experience pain, light sensitivity, blurred vision, or extreme redness after sleeping in them, BE SURE TO CONTACT YOUR EYE DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY.

Can I wear contact lenses while playing sports?
YES. Sports vision doctors agree that contact lenses are the best vision correction option for athletes. They can enhance visual skills like depth perception, peripheral awareness, and eye-hand/eye-foot coordination.

Can I swim in my contact lenses?
Swimming with contact lenses should be avoided whenever possible to help prevent bacterial contamination of your eye. Swimming with contacts can result in eye infections, irritation, and potentially sight-threatening conditions such as a corneal ulcer.

The FDA recommends that contact lenses should not be exposed to any kind of water, including tap water, swimming pool water, oceans, lakes, and hot tubs.

What should I do if my eyes feel irritated after swimming in contact lenses?
If water gets in your eyes when swimming, you should remove, clean and disinfect your contact lenses as soon as possible to reduce the risk of eye irritation and infection. If wearing daily disposable lenses, then remove the contaminated pair, rinse your eyes with rewetting drops or artificial tears approved for use with contact lenses, and then replace with a fresh pair of daily disposables.

ALWAYS contact your eye doctor immediately if you experience prolonged eye irritation, sensitivity to light, eye pain or redness after wearing your contact lenses in water.

Can I wear my contact lenses while swimming with goggles on?
YES. If you’re going to swim while wearing contact lenses, the best way to reduce your risk of eye irritation and infection is to wear waterproof swim goggles.

In addition to protecting your eyes from waterborne contaminants, swim goggles reduce the risk of your contacts dislodging from your eyes.

Can I use artificial tears with contact lenses in?
YES. There are specific artificial tears that are safe to use with contact lenses. Examples includes Refresh Contacts, Systane Contacts and Blink Contacts.

Can a contact lens get lost behind my eye?
NO. At worst, you might have trouble finding it under your upper eyelid if you rub your eye and dislodge the lens from its proper position. If necessary, your eye care practitioner can help you locate and remove the lens.

How old must children be before they can wear contact lenses?
VARIES. That depends on how responsible the child is. This decision is best made jointly between you, your child and your eye doctor.

Are disposable contact lenses worth the extra money?
Many doctors highly recommend disposable contact lenses. They are an excellent choice health-wise, because there is less opportunity for protein and bacteria to build up on them. Also, if you wear daily disposable contact lenses, which are discarded at the end of the day, you won’t need to buy contact lens solutions to clean and disinfect them after each use.